This 3d view shows the Pang Valley and the level of the groundwater measured from the many EA gauges in and around the valley.
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The groundwater levels are 'live' and show on the current levels made available by the EA for their logged gauges. There are 41 EA groundwater gauges, and the level at each one is shown as a little yellow dot on the groundwater surface. Between the yellow dots, the level is a planar surface interpolation.
If you move the pointer to a yellow dot, it will show the gauge's name and current groundwater level AOD (above sea level).
The red line shows the edge / watershed of the Pang Valley. The groundlevel is shown as a semi transparent orange level, with the valley bottom as a blue line. Key villages are identified.
Click and hold on the 3d view to move it around. Zoom it with your mouse wheel.